Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The 3 battling F's of life

When married at 20 with still two more years of undergrad and an additional two years of grad school ahead of her, Elaine Lake knew it would mean being creative. Fortunately, she married a creative man and so started small ways to live happily on a students budget, which is generally non-existant.
Warren and Elaine Lake and me when I was 16. Oh and also their adorable first baby.

So when I lived with them when  was 16 I learned that having fun and being frugal and ... can't remember what the third 'F' was, was possible. It was a wonderful summer time and I soon learned you could have fun without spending money. These were some of our activities:
-subscribed to the month trial of Netflix and got all of our movie wish-lists fulfilled in a month.
- Went on picnics
-Used the cities free family pass that came out once a month to go to the children's museum
- went on lots of walks
- Found a fountain so we didn't melt
- Hiked
- Cooked fancy meals just because
- Made random cards for normal occasions just for fun
- Went running to the dollar store in the evenings

When I think of the other 'F' I will let you know. But thanks to the Lakes for the cheap entertaining summer.

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