Saturday, February 23, 2013

To be young and alive

I am 24.

Young, alive.

Full of spark (which is a world a' hurt difference from sparkles), hopes, dreams, ideas.

As I've graduated college and entered what we call the real world I discovered that strange monsters seek to destroy all that is young and alive within.

Some monsters are of my own creation but many are not. Self-doubt, distractions, the interwebz, the chasm between a real a real job and freedom to do whatever I want, financial goals, creative goals, the desire to eat better food than ramen...these beasts can either propel you to greater heights or crush you into a jaded mess. I'm hoping for the former, very afraid of the latter.

The things is--many an unconquerable soul have come before me, traversed the winter of the soul, and come out stronger.

So there's hope.

I want to be their friend.

I want them to show me how to battle my monsters on fast-forward, kinda like this: fave line in Disney ever, ever, ever. 
But it's not so scary on fast-forward. 

And that's the point, people. Handlin' those monsters like a baller and then dancing the night away. 

Awwww yeah. 

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